
Welcome to the Orleans After School Activities Program. We are a non-profit organization providing after school care to Orleans students from Kindergarten through 12 years of age. As a non-profit organization, parental involvement is crucial to our existence. We look forward to working with you and your children to provide a nurturing, safe and fun environment. We hope this handbook will be a useful reference for you. Please feel free to discuss any concerns or suggestions that you may have with the Orleans After School Activities Program staff or Board of Directors at any time. 

OASAP TAX FID#: 04-3163018


The Staff and Board of Directors

We are currently full for the 2023-2024 school year. If you would like to be placed on waitlist please fill out a school year pre-registration form CLICK HERE FOR PDF and email it to [email protected] 


The Orleans After School Program(Orleans ASAP Inc.) was established to offer working families quality after school care for students attending school in Orleans in Kindergarten through age 14. Our 501(c)(3) Non Profit status states clearly that a minimum of 85% of our enrolled students must be the children of gainfully employed parents or those currently seeking employment.


The goal of the Orleans After School Program is to provide a safe, nurturing, creative and fun environment for children of working parents afterschool. We believe in offering a variety of activities to respond to varying ages and developmental levels, in order to correlate to the needs of our students. Activities children may participate in may include:

Arts and Crafts Projects
Outside Activities
Drama and Music
Homework Support

We encourage children to work together, make new friendships and make appropriate choices.
Teachers are always available to help provide children with the skills needed to deal with others and solve problems in a positive and appropriate manner.

Enrolling Your Child

Before enrolling your child please feel free to visit our program to ask questions and meet the staff that will be working with your child. When enrolling your child in the program, you must fill out the pre-registration form (located on the FORMS page) and return it to the OASAP office.

School Year Tuition

First Child Daily Rate: $24

Sibling Rate: $21